법무법인 해원
메뉴 닫기


Jin, Dong-ryul Senior Partner drj@thankslaw.co.kr
Busan Daeyeon High School (1992)
Pusan National University ,College of Law (2002)
Passed the Bar Examination, Korea ( 2002)
Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (2005)
Patent Attorney, Certified Public Tax Attorney (2009)
Maritime logistics specialist course (2006.)
Re-development and re-construction course (2009. 2.)
Corpotare Law Course (2009. 6.)
Maritime Insurance Course (2010. 6.-12.)
Pusan National University Finacial Law course (2011. 6.)
Pusan National University, Graduate School of Law(2013- Current)
Attoney, Busan Port Athority (2005.5- 2005.12)
Attorney, Kukje LLC. (2006.12 -2011. 1.)
Attorney, Thankslaw office (2011. 2. - 2012. 2.)
Partner,Thankslaw office LLC (2012. 3. - Current)
Chairman of Busan Daeyuen High school Alumni (2006-Current)
Auditor, Wooyang oil coportation (2011. 2. - Current)
Member of Public Ethice committee in Busan Buk-gu Office(-2011) and Busan Dong-gu Office (-2011)
Member of Committee for Planning of Countermeasures against School Violence in Busan Daeyeon High school(2009-Current) and Busan Sajik Elementary school(2011-Current)
Busan Dong-gu Mental Health Inquiry Commission(2009.-Current)
Member of Busan Dong-gu Office Collective housing management disputes meditation committee
Member of Busan Dong-gu election broadcasting debate commission (2010.-Current)
Memberof Law committee, Busan Economic Promotion Agency (2012-Current)
Member of Busan Geumjeong District Tax office Committee (2012-Current)
Member of Busan Metropolitan City bank designation committee (2012)
Legal Counselor of National Human Right Committee(2012. 7.-2013. .12.)
Busan District Court Electronic Case Filing System Conciliation(2013. 10. - Current)
Korean Bar Association Legal Consultant of Unfair Trade for Small and Medium Enterprise (2014. 4.-Current)
Member of Southen East Instituional Review Board (2014. 11. -Current)
Director, Busan Bas Association (2015. 2. - Current)
Legal issuses on accident notice deposit of note and check( Pusan National University Law School, Study of Finance law, Volume3, Issue 1, 2014)