법무법인 해원
법무법인 해원


Yoon, Ki-changSenior Partner profile..
Masan Jungang High school (1989)
Pusan National University, College of Law (1998)
Passed the Bar Examination, Korea (1999)
Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (2002)
International Trade Course, US Columbia Law School(2001)
Pusan National University, Graduate School of Law( 2008)
Maritime Inquiry Counsel (2008-Current)
Patent Attorney, Certified Public Tax Attorney (2009)
Jin, Dong-ryulSenior Partner profile..
Busan Daeyeon High School (1992)
Pusan National University ,College of Law (2002)
Passed the Bar Examination, Korea ( 2002)
Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea (2005)
Patent Attorney, Certified Public Tax Attorney (2009)
Maritime logistics specialist course (2006.)
Re-development and re-construction course (2009. 2.)
Corpotare Law Course (2009. 6.)
Maritime Insurance Course (2010. 6.-12.)
Pusan National University Finacial Law course (2011. 6.)
Pusan National University, Graduate School of Law(2013- Current)
Lee, WansooLawyer profile..
Busan Gaya High school (1998)
Pusan National University College of Law (2006)
Passed the Bar Examination, Korea (2006.)
Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea(2009.)
Study in Qutar International Foundation, Islamic Studies of College
Patent Attorney, Certified Public Tax Attorney (2009)
Maritime Inquiry Counsel(2010.2.-Current)
Pusan National University Maritime and trade Law course (2011).
Park, Byoung hoonLawyer profile..
Busan High School (2002.)
Pusan National University College of Law (2009.)
Passed the Bar Examination, Korea (2009.)
Judicial Research and Training Institute, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea(2012.)


Park, HwajeongLawyer profile..
Haeundae girls’ high school (2008)
Hanyang University, College of Economy (2012)
Pusan National University, School of Law (2016)
Passed the 5th Bar Examination, Korea
Lee, Jin Sunlawyer profile..
- Daejeon girls' high school (2005)
- Ewha Womans University, College of Law (2013)
- Kyungpook National University, School of Law (2019)
- Passed the 9th Bar Examination, Korea (2020)
Jeon, Seo HyunLawyer profile..
Busan Dongsung high school (2010)
The University of Adelaide (Australia, 2014)
Pusan National University, Department of Global Studies/Department of Philosophy (2016)
Pusan National University, School of Law (2019)
Passed the 11th Bar Examination, Korea
Koh, Sally YoungLawyer profile..
- Seohyun High School(2002)
- Seoul National University, Department of English Language and Literature(B.A.) (2006)
- Seoul National University, Department of Communication(M.A.) (2009)
- Harvard University, Regional Studies-East Asia(A.M.), U.S. (2011)
- Pusan National University, School of Law (2023)
- Passed the 12th Bar Examination, Korea (2023)
Yoon, Su hyunLawyer profile..
- Changnyeong Girls' High School(2011)
- Ulsan University, College of Law(2015)
- Dong-A University, School of Law(2020)
- Passed the 12 Bar Examination, Korea


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