법무법인 해원

Corporate General THANKSLAW OFFICE offers legal advice on general corporate matters encompassing all aspects of the operation and governance issues from company formation to operations.

We are composed of attorneys who have specialty in diverse industry, especially in construction, port, international transaction, maritime and healthcare.
Rehabilitation, Bankruptcy & Restructuring To deliver the best solution on rehabilitation, bankruptcy or corporate restructuring cases, you need legal experts who have not only knowledge of “Debtor Rehabilitation and Bankruptcy Act” and ability to prepare applications, but also the analytical skills on industry trend, business and financial structures of companies, and understanding of in-court and financial institute’s practices.

To derive successful outcomes, we do our best to support clients with providing restructuring plans appropriate to specific situations including workouts, rehabilitation and bankruptcy. Our practice includes confirming enforcement dates, representation involving government approvals and the reporting process, and providing legal advice for specific issues in all processes.
Mergers & Acquisitions We provide comprehensive M&A advice including making the best transactional structure and strategy, due diligence, review of contracts and other documents, and executing negotiation with our expertise based on the diverse deal experiences(Hankook Condominium, Sungkyung Medical Foundation etc.).
Administrative & Criminal Disputes To reduce business risk, we provide legal advice about the license granting process from central and local governments and represent clients in administrative appeals related with business management. Also we provide advice and trial representation in white color criminal cases with an accurate understanding of company affairs.
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